Multiplication Facts Worksheet

Randomly Generated Sheets

Welcome to our Multiplication Facts Worksheets page.

Here you will find our worksheet generator for creating your own multiplication and times tables facts worksheets.

Using the random sheet generator will allow you to:

  • choose the number range and number of questions you wish the worksheet to use;
  • print the worksheet and a corresponding answer sheet that you have created;
  • quickly generate a new worksheet with the same features.

For optimal printing, please set your margins to zero on your print setup options.

Multiplication Facts Worksheet Generator

Here is our random worksheet generator for free multiplication worksheets.

Using this generator will let you create the following worksheets:

  • Multiplication facts from 5x5 up to 10x10;
  • Select individual or sets of times tables to practice;
  • Finding missing multiplication facts.

To create your sheet, try changing values in the boxes below.

Click 'View Sheet' when you would like to see the worksheet you have created.


You want to create a worksheet of multiplication facts around the 2, 3 and 6 times tables.

  • Click on Multiplication value and 'Select tables from list';
  • Choose the 2, 3 and 6 times tables;
  • Choose whether you want up to 10x facts or up to 12x facts;
  • Choose the number of questions you need;
  • Choose 'View Sheet' and your sheet should appear in the space below.

Multiplication Facts Worksheet Generator

4 Steps to Your Worksheets...

  1. Choose your number values to add up to
  2. Choose the number of questions
  3. View your sheet
  4. Print your sheet

(Optional) Give your worksheet a title.

(Optional) Write out any instructions to go at the top of the sheet.

Select Multiplicand:


Multiplier Values:

Number of Questions:

Missing Multiplier

Your worksheet will appear below.

worksheet logoA


Other Recommended Worksheets

Here are some of our other related worksheets you might want to look at.

The webpages below contain sheets that are not generated, but carefully graded so you can select the level of difficulty you need.

Multiplication Charts

In this section, you will find our multiplication and times tables charts.

Using chart is a great way of introducing times tables at an early stage in a non-threatening way.

Chanting and counting regularly is a really good way to learn your tables.

Using these charts will help your child to master their tables.

Multiplication to 5x5

The following webpages involve learning multiplication facts to 5x5.

The sheets in this section are for children who already have a solid grounding in what multiplication is and how it works. They involve the skill of adding multiplying numbers to 5x5.

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • multiply numbers to 5x5;
  • work out times table facts to 5x5 where the total is given but one of the other numbers is missing.

All the multiplication worksheets in this section will help your child to develop their speed and accuracy at multiplying.

Online Multiplication and Division Practice Zone

Here is our free division practice area.

If you want to practice your division facts, or take a timed division test, then this is the place for you.

In this area, we cover the following division facts:

  • division facts from 4x4, up to 10x10;
  • division facts linked to individual tables facts.

Multiplication Games

Playing games is a great way to develop multiplication knowledge and skills in an informal and fun way.

The games in this section have been designed to help children learn their multiplication facts to 5x5.

Many of the games will also help children to develop their strategic thinking skills.

Using these games will help your child to:

  • learn their multiplication facts;
  • understand multiplication as repeated addition;
  • develop strategic thinking skills.

Using the link below will open the Math Salamanders main site in a new browser window.


How to Print or Save these sheets

how to print information image printer

Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!

How to Print or Save these sheets

how to print information image printer

Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!

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Whether you are looking for a free Homeschool Math Worksheet collection, banks of useful Math resources for teaching kids, or simply wanting to improve your child's Math learning at home, there is something here at the Math Salamanders for you!

The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.

We welcome any comments about our site on the Facebook comments box at the bottom of every page.

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