Converting Customary Units

Welcome to our Converting Customary Units page.

Here you will find our range of 3rd and 4th grade sheets to support your child in learning to convert between customary units of yards, feet and inches, or gallons, quarts, pints and cups.

Converting Customary Units

On this webpage, you will find a range of measurement worksheets to help your child learn to convert between different customary units of measurement.

These sheets will also help children apply their times tables skills in a relevant and meaningful way to convert units.

The sheets have been carefully graded with the easiest sheets first.

Their is also a range of support sheets available to help children with their conversions.

yards feet inches image 1   gallons quarts pints cups sheet 1

The sheets have been designed for children working at a 3rd or 4th grade level.

Using these converting customary units sheets will help your child to:

  • convert between yards, feet and inches;
  • convert between gallons, quarts, pints and cups.


1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches

1 galloon = 4 quarts = 8 pints = 16 cups

Converting Customary Units Worksheets:
Yards, Feet and Inches

Converting Customary Units Worksheets:
Gallons, Quarts, Pints and Cups

More Converting Measures Worksheets

We also have a selection of converting worksheets for metric units.

On this page we have a selection of worksheets for converting between kilometers, meters, centimeters and millimeters.

There are also sheets for converting betweeen kilograms and grams, and also liters and milliliters.

More Recommended Math Worksheets

Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

3rd Grade Measurement Worksheets

Here is our selection of measurement worksheets for 3rd graders.

These sheets involve reading scales going up in halves, ones, fives, tens, fifties and hundreds to find the length, weight or liquid capacity.

Using these sheets will help children to consolidate their counting and place value as well as learning to read and estimate using a simple scale.

4th Grade Measurement Worksheets

Here is our selection of measurement worksheets for 4th graders.

These sheets involve reading scales in both the standard and metric systems.

The scales include finding the length, weight or liquid capacity.

Using these sheets will help your child understand how to:

  • read scales in both the standard and metric systems;
  • read a scale going up in a range of fractions: halves, quarters and eighths;
  • read a scale going up in tenths, fives, tens, fifties, and hundreds.

Using these sheets will help children to consolidate their fractions and place value learning.

3rd Grade Telling Time Clock Worksheets

This section contains our 3rd grade time worksheets to help children tell the time in multiples of 5 minutes.

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes;
  • become familiar with both digital and analogue times;
  • add and subtract time intervals;
  • use the words 'past' and 'to' to describe the time correctly.

24 Hour Clock Conversion Worksheets

On this webpage there is a selection of printable 24 hour (military time) conversion worksheets which will help you learn to convert from 24 hour clock to standard 12 hour time, and from standard time to 24 hour time.

An answer sheet is provided with each sheet and the sheets are graded with the easiest sheets coming with supporting information.

3rd Grade Money Challenges

On this webpage, you will find our 3rd grade Money Challenges.

These challenges involve solving money problems and are a great way for kids to develop their reasoning skills and practice their counting money at the same time.


How to Print or Save these sheets

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Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!

How to Print or Save these sheets

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Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!

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